

美国华盛顿州华音艺术团“我要上春晚” 唱响中国年

作者:发布时间:2017-12-18 22:42

                                                 文/ 卓玛、红米  译文/ 靳瞻型  摄影/ 黎玉豆

美国时间2017/12/17下午2:30-4:30pm 在Bellevue  High  performing Arts Center 10416 SE wolverine way Bellevue 98004 “我要上春晚”这台盛会由华音艺术团团长吴小明总导演了这台盛会!这台盛会是艺术家们施展才华的舞台!是华州华人们自己的“春晚”!
协办单位: 华洲新侨联合会、微软华协、华盛顿预科中学、谷歌华人协会、北美中国工程师学会、西雅图侨联之友、北航全球海外校友会、阳光妇女协会、华州广州联谊会、安徽同乡会、山东同乡会、北京同乡会、卓玛旗袍协会。
支持单位: 华盛顿预科中学、505集团。
华州华音艺术团“我要上春晚” 总导演 吴小明; 副导演 陈珊 雅妮; 艺术总监李婷;  宣传总监高艺馨 ;舞美总监 刘微  ;前后台主任巩迪迪 ;摄影谭力 ;协调余蜀玲 小猫 ; 服装道具潘丹华 ;合唱指挥绿之滨; 节目主持人张雯 ;灯光路精保 ;后勤 穆志強 ;票务高艺馨 ;制作路精保。
华星儿童表演中心~ 舞蹈《年年有余》、《春天在哪里》、《蝶之灵》、亲子表演《快乐小猪》
华人余老师工作室~ 葫芦丝《月夜》、笛子二重奏《跑旱船》
阳光艺术团~ 广场舞《亚克西》、大合唱《长江之歌》
西雅图热舞队~ 现代舞《热舞串烧》
505 集团来辉武~ 诗朗诵《沁园春雪》
大众广舞队~ 广场舞《卓玛》
整台节目索动了本地几百华人的心,喜庆的气氛越过雷尼尔雪山,飘过华盛顿湖畔,在华州大地唱响了 “中国年”!

“I want on the China Show” to the New Year Performance in China

 — By Zhuo Ma, Hong Mi. 

Translator: Zhanxing Jin 

photographer: Yudou Li

The spring festival is coming, and all the overseas Chinese are looking forward to watching the traditional Spring Festival stage performance.The spring festival is the most anticipated day and exciting moment for millions of Chinese people!

On December 17th, 2017 at Bellevue High Performing Arts Center,  “I want on the China Show” stage performance was eventually held successfully and directed by the outstanding director of the Huayin Art Group Wu Xiaoming to fully excite this event! It was the artist's talent! It is the Spring Festival of the Chinese people in the state of Washington, fully supported and combined with Huayin Dance School and  Huaxing Children Art Center.

Many thanks to all other supporting groups including New Overseas Chinese Association, Microsoft Chinese Association, Washington Prep High School, Washington Google Chinese Association, , North American Chinese Engineer Association, Seattle Chinese Friendship Association,Global Overseas Alumni of BUAA,Sunshine Women ‘s Association, Washington Guangzhou Association, Seattle Anhui Association , Shandong Association, Beijing Association, as well as the Zhuoma Qipao Association. 

Other additional supports are from Washington Prep High School and 505 Group.

Media Supports were from Xibin Website, Bangtu Website, Blue Diamond and Arthundred Website.

General Director: Xiaoming Wu of Huayin Music Group

Assistant Director: Shan Chen. Niya

Art Supervisor: Ting Li

Publicity Director: Yixin Gao

Dance Supervisor: Wei Liu

Front/back Stage Director: Didi Gong

Photographer: Li Tan

Coordinator: Chuling Yu, Xiaomao

Costumes:Danhua Pan

Choir Conductor: Zhibin Lu

performance Host: Wen Zhang

Lighting: Jingbao Lu

Logistics: Zhiqiang Mu

Ticketing: yixin Gao

Production: Jingbao Lu

The wonderful performance scenes:

The drummers started the performance with “Chinese Dragon” followed one after another with the dance “Mongolians”, the dance called”Rain Drop on the Plantain Leaves”, belly dance “Golden Wings”, the song”gongxifacai”, the song “Youth”, 

“The Huaxing Children Performing Center” presented the dance “prosperity through the Years”, “Spring is Here”, “the Spirit of Butterfly” and “Happy Little Pigs”, etc.

From Chinese Teacher Yu’s Studio we enjoyed Hulusi instrument “Moonlight”, 

Dizi Duets”Paohanchuan”. Square Dance by “Sunshine Art Group called “Yagexi”, Chorus “the Song of the Yangtze River”. “Rewuchuanshao” from Seattle Heat Dancing Group presented. 

A poetry reading: “Spring Snow” by 505 Group. Mass Square Dance “Zhuoma”.

The whole show has shifted the hearts of hundreds of Chinese people, and the festive atmosphere over Rainier's snow-capped mountains, floating across the coast of Washington, in Iowa, singing the song of the Chinese year!

The whole show has shifted the hearts of hundreds of Chinese people, and the festive atmosphere over Rainier's snow-capped mountains, floating across the coast of lake Washington echoing the song of the Chinese year!