


作者:陈晓红发布时间:2017-09-21 16:41





  2015 年9月23 日,是中国国家主席习近平和彭丽嫒夫人,访问美国林肯中学的一个特别喜庆的日子。一大早,我挑选了一 条即传统又时尚的红色中长裙,配上一条玉红色长围巾,盛装打扮兴冲冲地赶往林肯中学,渴望能见到我们的习主席和彭丽媛夫人。虽然我还不确定能否进入校区,但还是想去探过究竟。开车约20 多分钟,可是感觉“时短路长”,一路上就开始激动。好在路上没有戒严,很庆幸顺利到达林肯中学校区。将车停好后我和先生步行到了校门口,当时约九点多我便在校门口拍照留念。不一会儿,不知道是哪来的高音喇叭叫得震耳,回头望去,只见几辆大卡车装着大喇叭和黄色旗帜向这边开来,几大群手举旗帜的人群徒步也向这边走来。很快他们分成几群分布到 校门口对面和左右斜对面,就像经过训练的阵队,人群不断听喇叭的号子声喊着什么,我原以为是欢迎人群,还一时兴奋,我先生告诉我,他们是越南反对派。我愰然大悟,原来如此。在美国言论自由,警察只是来回走动,没有干涉。我环视四周,还没有看到五星红旗,心里一股酸酸的感觉,我多么希望五星红旗在这里飘扬,可一时也不知那里有红旗买。我马上作岀一个决定,去沃尔玛买材料自己做红旗,今天这里不能没有红旗!到了沃尔玛买了红布、黄布、红金丝绒、剪刀、胶水、木杆等,屏住呼吸给我大姐和几个朋友打电话,要她们赶快赶到  林肯中学汇合。我们按约定的时间和地点见面了,大家都很激动,我们似同当年的“江姐绣红旗”而就地铺开材料,剪的剪的剪,贴的贴,很快二十五面红旗和几块欢迎牌完工,其中做了一面很大的红金丝绒五星红旗。我们几个人举着、抱着这些珍贵的红旗急步往校门口赶去。在路上迎面碰上了几个中国留学生,他们问可以把多余的旗帜卖给他们不?我很高兴地一把拉过一个男生的手,说:快和你的同学把旗帜举起来,卖什么卖呀.我一下子就成了临时组织领导了,我指挥大家要占领至高点—林肯中学正校门口。于是我们在校门口将红旗拉开,将欢迎牌举起,一时间我们形成了欢迎声势的主导.... 这时越南反对派开始蠕动,不一会他们反应过来了,便从几个角度向我 们涌来,来势汹汹,将我们团团围住,不停用旗杆顶撞我们的旗帜,甚至用最大分贝对着我的耳朵叫嚷....我们虽然人少,但决不示弱!我不知道从那来的勇气,一下子从一个文雅斯文的弱女子,变脸成为勇士,从地面爬上一米多高的围墙上,将五星红旗高高扬起,仅凭他们怎样顶撞,我微风不动,丝毫不影响我们的爱国情。此时此刻,我感觉我代表的不是我个人,我骨子里感觉今天站在这里的是代表中国人,是捍卫13亿中国人的尊严!.... 那天,很多记者采访我:

  问:Why did you come here today(今天你为什么来这里)?

  我说:我是来欢迎中国习近平主席和夫人的(I am here to welcome our President XiJinping). 

  问: are you Organized( 你们是有组织吗)?

  我说:NO! 我们是自发来的(We are spontaneous)。

  问: Are you afraid of this scene(你害怕这种場面吗)

  我说:NO!我们是正义的(We are righteous)!... 记者开始从不同角度抢拍现场,记录真实的一幕。据了解有多家媒体报道,我只收集了部分报纸和在场直击者拍摄的部分照片,以作纪念。

  当天,红日高照,我们就这样对峙了几个小时,我们从来都沒有被对方的人力压倒,在气势上一直呈领先地位。后来,可能是习主席一行快到了,警察示意人群往后退,我带领大家撒到学校正对面的地方我带领大家撒到学校正对面的地方。然而,越南反对派始终就是我们走到哪里他们就追到哪里。这时有个学生告诉我,校区附近马路上来了很多欢迎人群,也有许多许多中国旗、美国旗,声势浩大,我喜出望外。我想,何不将计就计,将反对派引开,让他们转移视线,不再在校门口愰荡,不影响浩然的喜庆埸面。于是,我带领大家转移与大的欢迎人群汇合 。果不其然,越南反对派中计。这里有来自不同国家的人群,以不同形式的欢迎旗帜、标语、牌子,也有很多人在脸上、额头上、手上贴有小红旗或美国旗,期待着那特别的时刻到来,看到这一切,我心释然。我为这红色的欢迎长龙而骄傲!在这声势浩大的喜庆场面里,曾经叫嚣的越南反对派人群显得如此渺小。



  回到家里已很晚了,我好有参加过一场没有肖烟的战斗凯旋而归的感觉;又好有一种幸福感. 我在美国参加了具有深刻的历史意义的活动,并有幸为之赢得中国女人在美国的人格魅力!虽然没有近距离见到习主席和彭丽嫒夫人,我的兴奋度至今未减。一想到哪一幕幕,心情久久不能平静....


                                                                    2017 年7 月12 日

Chinese Chairman Xi Jinping commemorate second anniversary of the USA Lincoln High School

                               Chinese Lady in America


                                                           Xiaohong Chen(United States)

  September 23, 2015, Chinese Chairman Xi and Mrs. Liyuan Peng, were to visit the United States. One of their stopping points was Lincoln High School in Tacoma, Washington, close to where I’m living. A special festive day was planned, honoring Chinese Chairman Xi. Early that morning, I picked a traditional and stylish red dress, with a long jade scarf, all dressed up, excited and eager to see Chairman Xi and Mrs. Liyuan Peng at the Lincoln High School. Although I was not sure if I could enter the campus, I still wanted to explore it. Driving only about 20 minutes, time was going slow down with so much to do with little time to finish. Fortunately, there were just a few cars on the road. After the car was parked, my husband and I walked to the school gate it was about nine o'clock in the morning.  I was taking pictures of the school gate, all of the sudden, unexpectedly I heard sounds from a loudspeaker. Looking back I see a few large trucks loaded with big sound horns and yellow banners. I notice large groups of people holding flags walking towards the school and me. Soon they divided into several groups surrounding the school gate, like a trained team, the crowd was constantly listening to the voice of the speaker shouting commands. My thought was that they were a welcoming crowd showing their excitement. My husband quickly told me that they were protesters (Vietnamese). Oh, yes I have found out who they are now. In American, freedom of speech is a right of everyone. The police just walked back and forth without interference. I looked around, but had not seen any red flags, my heart had a sour feeling and so much I wanted to show a red flag here, but thinking I did not know where I could buy a red flag. I immediately made the decision to go to the Wal-Mart store to buy materials to make my own red flag, here today. Must I have a red flag with 5 stars! At Wal-Mart, I bought red cloth, yellow cloth, gold velvet, scissors, glue, wood poles, and so on. I shared my excitement with my eldest sister and started calling friends telling them to rush to Lincoln High School.

We met at the agreed time and place. We were all very excited, with a common goal,"embroider red flags and drawing signs". Working directly on street, we spread the material, shearing cloth, cutting stars, soon 25 red flags and a few welcome cards were completed, along with one very large (larger then me) red gold velvet flag. Several of us took up, holding these precious red flags darting to the school gate. On the way to a few Chinese students, asked if they could buy the extra flags to carry. I was very happy to grab the boy's hand, and said: "Quickly and you and your classmates, please help us put the banners up! I suddenly became the leader of the provisional organization. I commanded them to occupy the highest point of the Lincoln High School gate. So we started to open the red flags at the school gate, lifting the welcome sign high enough , we even formed a welcome momentum for the leader. At this time the protesters began to move as they responded to the call. Coming towards us from all angles with menacing loud sounds soon we were surrounded by their flags, non-stop pushing their flagpoles  against our banners, Non-stop shouting with megaphones.  I was hearing words of anger directly in my ears. Though there were few of us we were never weak! I didn't know where my courage came from then suddenly from a quite part of this small woman, a confident, heroic, patriotic spirit emerged. I climbed up from the ground nearly two meters high on to a wall, raising the huge red flag high.  Disregarding the harassment I stood strong, with my loyal frame of mind. At this moment, I was representing not only the individual; I felt  the Chinese people were with me, I was preserving the honor of 1.3 billion Chinese people. On that day, many people interviewed me, asking, “Why did you come here today”? I said, “I am here to welcome our Chairman XI”. Next question, “are you organized” (do you have an organization)? I said, “No, we are spontaneous” (we ARE spontaneous). "Are you afraid of this scene (Do you fear this)? I said, “No, we are honorable” (we ARE honorable!). Reporters from different angles snapped scene, record the real event. According to a number of media reports, I only collected some of the newspapers. I saw the presence of many correspondents and film makers documenting this event. Later that day, with Sun shining, we held on for hours, we were never overcome from the other side’s manpower, our momentum had always been a leading fact from the beginning . Later, it was possible that the president's party would be coming by, and the police signaled the crowd to move back, and I led everyone to another side of the school. However, the opposition always followed us to wherever we went. At this time, a student told me that on the campus near the road they had seen a large welcoming crowd and there were many Chinese and United States flags. Some of the flags were mammoth he said. I was overjoyed. My plan is to outsmart the opposition; we would outmaneuver the resistance by obstructing their line of sight. No longer at the school gate, we had a stronger stance. So, I lead everyone to the larger welcoming crowd near the road. Sure enough, the opposition was counted but we had a greater position now. There were people from many different countries, with different forms of welcome banners, slogans, and depictions. Many people affixed with a small red flag or the United States flag, on the face, forehead, and hands, looking forward to that special moment. As I see all this, my heart was relieved. I was very proud of this red, greeting, long dragon, in this spectacular festive scene. The once-clamor of the Vietnamese crowd now appeared so small. I had won.

  Chairman Xi’s car slowly passed by us. Seeing Chairman Xi, excited the crowd as they kept waving, their flags, holding the signs high, all the crowd’s enthusiasm, non-stop shouting of “Welcome”. 

  We were in our own way, with our Chinese heart, into the passionate and unrestrained welcoming crowd.

  The Chairman Xi motorcade slowly approached our side then turned and gradually moves away from our view. The welcome crowd was reluctant to leave.

  It was very late time to go home. I felt a sense of happiness to have taken part in a profound historical event and have the satisfaction to have won. I am a Chinese lady, in America with a bold personality and charm. Although I had not seen Chairman Xi and Mrs. LiyuanPeng up close nonetheless my excitement has not been reduced. The many thoughts of today’s event, my frame of

mind would not be calmed for a long time…… 

                                      Xiaohong Chen

                                      Washington Art Magazine President  July2017 12


