Puyallup Scottish Highland Games, Washington state
On June 23rd, 2018, hundreds of people, mostly Scottish men, women and children,
gathered at a leisure club south of puyallup. I came here as if I were in an ancient place.
The people here all looked very cheerful, but they were very serious when the ceremony
was held, and the host read the ceremony and the whole audience played the national
music, and felt that they were praying.Then the loud band pushed the whole event to a
Families from Scotland in the United States celebrate their cultural heritage every year
withan event called highland games.These events are occurring not only in Scotland
but throughout the world.You don't have to play as a Scotsman as it's open to the public
to enjoy the celebration.
When you get close, you're likely to start hearing their music from bagpipes and drums,
and next, you might see a Scotsman wearing what looks like a dress, but it's called a kilt.
The ladies are smart enough to wear plaid costumes. The opening ceremony is called the
massing of the pipes, with many bagpipes and drums calling all the families to join the
parade and show you pride. Sports and sports competitions are important components
of celebration activities. Some of the events are the Caber toss: a rather large long pole is
lifted straight up, the person then runs forward and throws the pole flipping it so that it
lands straight. Other events are The Stone put, similar to the Olympic
basketball shooting. Many other Scottish sporting events take place during the day. Dancing
is also part of the party, and young women move their legs around, stay in one place, and
then jump around in another.
Many food stalls offer traditional Scottish cuisine.
2018 年6 月23 日,在Puyallup 以南的一个休闲会所聚集着几百人,大都是苏格兰装束的男女老少,
看起来像一件衣服,但它被称为苏格兰短裙。女士们很聪明地配有格子 服装。开幕式就是所谓的管
运动和体育比赛是庆祝活动的重要组成部分。一些事件是; Caber折腾:一个相当大的长杆直线举起,