本站讯:西雅图华人子弟22岁的靳易洋,2014年被“中央华盛顿大学”音乐 系著名巴松管教授Dr. Daniel Lipori 选中,授予四年全额奖学金从事 巴松演奏专业的学习。靳易洋学习期间训练刻苦耐劳,多次被推荐在不同专 业交响乐团协同表演并多次代表本校交响乐团外出全国各地演出。 2018年3月31日的晚间,在“中央华盛顿大学”的音乐厅,一场别开生面的 独奏音乐会在这里举办并取得了圆满成功。随着意大利作曲家安东尼奥·卢 西奥· 维瓦尔第的“C大调协奏曲”和波兰作曲家亚历山大.坦兹曼的“巴松钢琴奏 鸣曲”将此次独奏音乐会带入了高潮,赢得了满堂喝彩。这不但是教授与学 生的殷勤刻苦的结晶,也是华人的自尊与骄傲。靳易洋已经获取多家院校的 录取及奖学金,决定在今秋前往凤凰城“亚利桑那州立大学”音乐系,在著 名教授Dr. Albie Micklich 指导下攻读巴松管表演专业研究生,让我们 一起恭祝他的学业深造及今后的事业有成。 The Successful Host of the Bassoon Solo Concert The 22-year -old Leon Jin from Seattle, was selected by professor and Dr. Daniel Lipori of the music department of “Central Washington University” in '2014, granted a 4-year full scholarship to engage in the study of bassoon performance. Leon Jin worked hard during his study, and has been recommended to perform in a variety of professional symphony orchestra and many times on behalf of the school symphony orchestra to travel all over the country. On the evening of March 31, 2018, in the concert hall of the “Central Washington university”, a spectacular Solo Concert was held with a full house and made a complete success. Along with the Italian composer Antonio Vivaldi's "C major concerto" and the Polish composer's "Sonatine Bassoon and Piano."The solo concert was brought to the climax and won the house. This has become not only the hardworking attitudes and achievement of both the professor and the student, but also the pride and self-respect of the Chinese. Leon Jin has so far received the admission and scholarship of a number of universities nationwide, and decided to go to the music department of Arizona State University under the guidance of famous professor Albie Micklich as his graduate student of bassoon performance. Let us congratulate him on his studies and his career in the future.
靳易洋(右 一)与伴奏同学演出现场