2017 年8 月13 日,美国华盛顿州皮阿拉普及帮尼湖,举行了“穿越”文化节,展现了古老的欧美印地安人和苏格兰文化。你所看到的不电影,也不是拍电影现场,而是从四面八方自发来的古装伊人。一个个穿着古装,并有搭建的古戏台、啇铺,甚至还有古时候的牢房、狱警、犯人,真人返古演示......
American "through" cultural festival
American “cross”-cultural festival on 13th of August, 2017. This particular festival in puyallup and Bonnylake showed the ancient Euro-American Indian and Scottish culture which is neither a movie nor shooting ground but people from all over with different ancient costumes. Ancient performing stages were built, even stores as well as prisons with prisoners and guards in there.